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Missional Living

Rebecca McLaughlin, Timothy J. Keller   |   Nov 14, 2019 - Nov 14, 2019
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In today’s culture, the challenges to sharing our faith or discipling someone can sometimes feel almost insurmountable. This was a one-night event to learn and become better-equipped for missional living.

Learn how we can effectively share our faith in spite of tough questions and misconceptions about Christianity.

This series includes the below 3 talks and is available in either audio or video (MP4).

1. How Do We Share Our Faith Now? Principles (with Q&A) – Tim Keller
2. How Do We Share Our Faith Now? Practices – Tim Keller
3. Four Things Christians Must Reclaim (with Rebecca and Tim Q&A) – Rebecca McLaughlin

Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD in renaissance literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is cofounder of Vocable Communications and former vice president of content at the Veritas Forum, where she spent almost a decade working with Christian academics at leading secular universities and she is also the author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion.

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Or purchase individually

How Do We Share Our Faith Now? Principles (with Q&A) 11/14/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
How Do We Share Our Faith Now? Practices 11/14/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Four Things Christians Must Reclaim (with Q&A) 11/14/19 Rebecca McLaughlin, Timothy J. Keller FREE