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<span itemprop="name">Questioning Christianity (2019)</span>
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Questioning Christianity (2019)

Timothy J. Keller   |   Mar 7, 2019 - Apr 18, 2019
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In the spring of 2019, Tim Keller led another seven-week series for skeptics and those interested in exploring Christianity. Each night featured a talk and Q&A by Tim Keller (facilitated by Susan Nacorda, Redeemer Downtown Community Group Director) followed by a reception where the conversation could be continued.

These seven nights were an opportunity for Christians at Redeemer to bring friends who don’t consider themselves Christians, but were open to exploring the toughest questions related to the faith. Questioning Christianity was a unique opportunity to respectfully dialogue together about the objections and doubts from friends of different world-views.

Each night covered one of the below topics:

  • Faith and Proof
    How can you believe in something you can’t prove?
  • Meaning
    Does life have meaning beyond what I make of it?
    Can life be meaningful in the face of suffering?
  • Satisfaction
    How can I be happy? Does God care about my happiness?
  • Identity
    Am I only as good as my latest achievement?
  • Morality
    Can there be moral absolutes?
    Aren’t right and wrong just common sense?
  • Justice
    What can humans do in the face of all the injustice in the world?
  • Hope
    Can hope exist in the face of death and all the evil in the world?

For churches looking to use in church-wide gatherings and/or in small groups, please select “Church License (MP4)” from the drop down menu. Please note that purchasing this item does not grant you permission to publish the content on your website, podcast, YouTube, social media, or any other public platform.

Product TypeSeries

Or purchase individually

Faith and Proof 03/07/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Meaning 03/14/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Satisfaction 03/21/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Identity 03/28/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Morality 04/04/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Justice 04/11/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE
Hope 04/18/19 Timothy J. Keller FREE