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<span itemprop="name">The Prodigal God Study Guide with DVD</span>
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The Prodigal God Study Guide with DVD

Timothy J. Keller   |   Sep 1, 2009


The Prodigal God is a six-week experience for churches and small groups. Based on Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son, this book, teaching film, and discussion guide from New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller illustrate his core message: that the gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, neither morality nor immorality, but something else entirely. Both younger brothers and elder brothers in your church will realize that the only way home is through a prodigal God.

Session Titles:
1. The Parable
2. The People Around Jesus (Watch this Session on YouTube)
3. The Two Lost Sons
4. The Elder Brother
5. The True Elder Brother
6. The Feast of the Father

DVD (Week 1): Approximately 40 min.
Hardcover (Weeks 2-6): 160 pg.
Discussion Guide: 96 pg.

Trailer for The Prodigal God

The Prodigal God-A Message to Pastors

Product TypeStudy