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The Baptism (of Hope) The Baptism (of Hope) 01/06/19 Justin Adour Luke 3:15-23 FREE
The Call (to Die) The Call (to Die) 12/30/18 Justin Adour Luke 9:18-27 FREE
The Sword (of Judgment) The Sword (of Judgment) 12/23/18 Aaron Bjerke Luke 2:25-35 FREE
The Birth (of Jesus) The Birth (of Jesus) 12/16/18 Abraham Cho Luke 2:1-15 FREE
The Voice (of Warning) The Voice (of Warning) 12/09/18 Abraham Cho Luke 3:1-9; 15-16 FREE
The Longing (for Peace) The Longing (for Peace) 12/02/18 Abraham Cho Jeremiah 33:12-18; Luke 2:36-38 FREE
Advent: The Unfolding Promise (East Side) Advent: The Unfolding Promise (East Side) 12/02/18 - 01/06/19 Aaron Bjerke, Abraham Cho, Justin Adour FREE