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The Glory: Freed for God’s Presence The Glory: Freed for God’s Presence 06/30/19 Justin Adour Exodus 33:12-23, 40:34-38 FREE
The Craftsmen: Freed to Work The Craftsmen: Freed to Work 06/23/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 35:30-36:7 FREE
The Offering: Freed to Give The Offering: Freed to Give 06/16/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 34:10; 35:4-9, 20-29 FREE
The Calf: Freed to Repent The Calf: Freed to Repent 06/09/19 Justin Adour Exodus 32:1-14, 30-35 FREE
The Law: Freed for Compassion The Law: Freed for Compassion 06/02/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 22:21-27; 23:10-11 FREE
The Law: Freed to Love The Law: Freed to Love 05/26/19 Aaron Bjerke Exodus 20:12-17 FREE
The Law: Freed to Worship The Law: Freed to Worship 05/19/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 20:1-11 FREE
The Bread: Freed to Trust The Bread: Freed to Trust 05/12/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 16:1-5, 9-18, 27-30 FREE
The Sea: Freed From Fear The Sea: Freed From Fear 05/05/19 Abraham Cho Exodus 14:1-5, 10-22 FREE
Exodus: Learning to Be Free (East Side) Exodus: Learning to Be Free (East Side) 04/28/19 - 06/30/19 Aaron Bjerke, Abraham Cho, Justin Adour FREE
The Pillars: A New Life of Freedom The Pillars: A New Life of Freedom 04/28/19 Aaron Bjerke Exodus 13:17-22 FREE