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What Does Mission Look Like for Us? What Does Mission Look Like for Us? 11/24/19 Michael Keller 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 FREE
Life on Mission Life on Mission 11/17/19 Michael Keller 1 Peter 2:9-12 FREE
The Test The Test 11/10/19 Michael Keller Genesis 22:1-14 FREE
Addressing Our Fears in Mission Addressing Our Fears in Mission 11/03/19 Michael Keller Genesis 20:1-5, 9-13 FREE
How to Pray as We Go How to Pray as We Go 10/27/19 Michael Keller Genesis 18:20-33 FREE
How to Live With Laughter How to Live With Laughter 10/20/19 Michael Keller Genesis 18:9-15, 21:1-7 FREE
The Covenant Promises Needed The Covenant Promises Needed 10/13/19 Joseph Yu Genesis 17:1-9 FREE
The Power That Sustains Us The Power That Sustains Us 10/06/19 Michael Keller Genesis 16:1-16 FREE
The Promise and Cost That Allows Us to Go on Mission The Promise and Cost That Allows Us to Go on Mission 09/29/19 Michael Keller Genesis 15:1-18 FREE
How Mission Gets Thwarted How Mission Gets Thwarted 09/22/19 Michael Keller Genesis 13:1-17 FREE
The Call to Go on Mission The Call to Go on Mission 09/15/19 Michael Keller Genesis 12:1-9 FREE
Going on Mission Going on Mission 09/08/19 - 11/24/19 Joseph Yu, Michael Keller FREE
The Need for Mission The Need for Mission 09/08/19 Michael Keller Genesis 11:1-9 FREE