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Book of the Bible
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Jesus the Risen King Jesus the Risen King 04/17/22 Jeff White Matthew 28:1-20 FREE
Jesus the Humble King Jesus the Humble King 04/10/22 David Lee Matthew 21:1-11 FREE
Jesus and Hospitality Jesus and Hospitality 04/03/22 Jeff White Matthew 9:9-13 FREE
Jesus and Generosity Jesus and Generosity 03/27/22 David Lee Matthew 6:19-24 FREE
Jesus and Fasting Jesus and Fasting 03/20/22 Jeff White Matthew 6:16-18 FREE
Jesus and Prayer Jesus and Prayer 03/13/22 Charles Chung Matthew 7:7-12 FREE
Jesus and the Practices Jesus and the Practices 03/06/22 - 04/17/22 Charles Chung, David Lee, Jeff White FREE
Jesus and Scripture Jesus and Scripture 03/06/22 Jeff White Matthew 4:1-11 FREE