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Victory Victory 04/17/22 David Bisgrove Psalm 118:13-24 FREE
Authority Authority 04/10/22 David Bisgrove Psalm 132:1-5, 10-18 FREE
Unity Unity 04/03/22 Joel Kady Psalm 133 FREE
Contentment Contentment 03/27/22 David Bisgrove Psalm 131 FREE
Joy Joy 03/20/22 Andrew Field Psalm 126 FREE
Presence Presence 03/13/22 Paul Yoo Psalm 121 FREE
The Sacred Journey The Sacred Journey 03/06/22 - 04/17/22 Andrew Field, David Bisgrove, Joel Kady, Paul Yoo FREE
Repentance Repentance 03/06/22 David Bisgrove Psalm 120, Psalm 130:1-4 FREE